Thursday, January 14, 2010

My New YouTube Channel!

I am delighted to announce that I now have my own YouTube Channel
to showcase and feature my very special kaleidoscopic animations videos.

I have linked all my 'Moving Mandalas' videos to this Channel and now have one of each of my new series of videos available to watch. These are the 'Magical Mandalas' series, which is based on the 'traditional' circular kaleidoscope emanating from a central point and set to a musical background, and the 'Krazy Kaleidoscope' series which have multi point kaleidscopes continuosly interchanging and morphing into new patterns in multiple dimensions and layers, creating a fascinating and harmonious display of colour, pattern and music.

These videos are ideal for relaxation or meditation or just for entertainment and have a hypnotic and calming effect for the soul. Although they are created using the new technology of digital art they reflect the art of the ancients and are a continuation of the incredibly old art of the Mandala and Kaleidoscope.

I also have a selection of short 30 second silent videos posted on my KALEIDOSCOPE KREATIONS Blog. I hope when you discover them that you enjoy watching them as much as I have enjoyed creating them. I've included a couple on this post as a taster.