Well, so far, so good! I have had a great start for the 1st week and have lost a total of 8lbs, which is not bad going. I have been very good at sticking to my Slimfast milkshakes for breakfast and lunch and then having a good evening meal of c600 cals. Plus some fruit, usually grapes or tangerines for snacks, making a total of c1300 cals per day.
I have signed up with a couple of websites to help me keep track of how I am doing. One is
MedHelp.org which has a very good tracker system, journaling and support system. The other is
CalorieCounter at About.com. They have a huge database of calorie counted fresh foods and products where you can keep a Food Log, as well as food analysis, tracker, journaling & support system. Both of these websites are free to join and use.
I use CalorieCounter mainly for keeping track of my calories, and keeping a Food Log, and Medhelp for all their tracking charts and tickers, although their support groups and forums are very good as well. It's really just a case of finding what combination of elements of various websites work best for you.
I started using the Slimfast milkshakes as I need a real kick start and fairly quick weight loss to get rid of the first couple of stone. This works well for me as I work full time and don't normally have time for breakfast so often buy something very unhealthy from the canteen for elevenses and then have a sandwich or baguette plus a muffin or similar for lunch. This way all I have to do is open a bottle of readymade milkshake and pop a straw in. My favourite is the coffee flavour, followed by chocolate and vanilla - I'm not keen on the fruit flavours, either the milkshakes or smoothies, as I find them a bit too sweet.
I also have a long term 5 Year Plan worked out! The aim is to lose 2 stone between now and New Year (Yr 1), which I think is doable. Then next year (Yr 2) concentrate on losing another 3 stone and after that 2 stone each year for the next 2 years (Yr 3 & 4), and then Yr 5 work on losing the last stone, which is always the hardest! It will be interesting to see if my Plan works out, but at the moment It seems to me eminently possible:-) But as my old Granny used to say "There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip"!
Why not follow me on my journey and see how far I get, there will be an update posted each Monday so I hope to see you back soon, and if you are on your own journey leave a comment and I'll visit your blog :-)